Working with the Protection Status S
Here you can find information about working in Switzerland for people with the protection status S and the procedure to secure a job. Once you are hired, your employer will submit an application for a work permit your place of work's canton. You will then receive a work permit in the form of a confirmation letter.
The Education System in Switzerland
The basic education system in Switzerland consists of compulsory schooling (until the age of 16) and subsequent post-compulsory education (general or vocational), which is free of charge. Here you can find information on the Swiss education system.
- Information on Swiss universities:
- General information on apprenticeships, professions, and educational opportunities:
Diploma Recognition
Most professions are not regulated in Switzerland and can therefore be practiced without the recognition of a foreign diploma. If you wish to practice a regulated profession (e.g. doctor, teacher, architect, notary), the recognition of your foreign diploma is required.
- Here you can find a list of regulated professions and activities in Switzerland. On this list you will also find the authority responsible for the recognition for each case.
- Here you can find information on the application process.
Job Offers
On the following pages you will find job offers that have been explicitly submitted for Ukrainians who have fled their country:
Other websites with job openings:
Advice Centers
If you need support in finding a job, you can contact the public employment service.
The Swiss Workers' Relief Organization SAH helps with the professional and social integration of the unemployed.